My 2m OpenWebRX Station for automatic FT8/QT65/J65/WSPR/APRS decoding

 Date: August 9, 2021

My OpenWebRX station is running with all background services enabled.

This means it will decode all digital modes (APRS, WSPR, FT4/8, etc.) in the background in parallel and push all data to their sinks (PSKReporter, wsprnet, etc.).

As I’m living in a deep valley (Neckartal) all distant stations on 2m are most likely airplane reflections.


HF: 2-element DK7ZB → 2m SAW Bandpass (bah expensive) → RTLSDR → Raspberry Pi 4

Operating System: Ubuntu 21.04, ARM64

Software: Dockerized OpenWebRX


17.07.2021: Glue fixes everthing! 2-element DK7ZB ready!

16.07.2021: First testrun with 2-element DK7ZB Yagi. Still having some construction problems.

14.07.2021: I’m currently building a 2-element DK7ZB Yagi (12.5 Ohm + Match) to get rid of this ghetto-styled cereal box antenna

Mentionable DXes

Rx at Tue, 10 Aug 2021 10:48:15 GMT From GD6ICR in Isle of Man Loc IO74PF by DM5TT Distance: 1143 km bearing 307° Frequency: 144.174.947 MHz (2m), FT8, -16dB


DM5TT PSK-Reporter Logs

⏪ Icom IC-705 QRM caused by USB CAT control

Winter/Autumn 2020: Working portable from Esslingen ⏩